I think it was during MeeGo Conference 2010 when I was first told that I should cover the N900 camera cover's blue and silver bevel with a dark color to prevent them from reflecting the flash light and making the photos worse than they could be. If you don't use the N900 with flash at all, this "hack" doesn't apply to you. Otherwise read on. If you look at the N900's camera cover, you see that the camera hole is surrounded by a blue border on one side, and silver borders on the three other sides:
Now, when you take a photo with the flash, the flash light is reflected, which makes the taken photo to appear as if there was some smoke or fog in front of you. In reality it is the reflection of the bevel. So, take a black marker and take off the back cover of your N900 (you don't want to accidentally cover your camera lens with black color!):
Now carefully cover the silver parts around the camera hole (and the blue part too, ideally) with black color. The result should look like this:
You might get even better results if you take a marker with a finer tip or even use black spray paint or something. If you don't have a marker ready or do not want to paint on the back cover, you can also take off the back cover of your N900 (which has the same effect), but you will probably need a small magnet to trick the magnetic switch into reporting "camera cover opened" to the camera application.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
#CHeat PB Update 15 Juli 2011 1 HIT + Unlimited Darah
Download Cheat:
Download Password:
fitur : -1Hit ALl SG
-1hit All Awp
-1 Hit K2 ,k5,K1 P90 ,sopmod
-unlimited darah
-brust Awp kayu
Hotkey :
1 Hit Auto On
Unlimited Darah ON : ?????
Unlimited Darah Off : ?????
Thursday, July 14, 2011
#Cheat RPE Point Blank New Update 14 Juli 2011
Jangan Lupa Sebarkan Web ini dan Jangan Hilangkan Creditnya
Download Cheat :
Shared By : Mars Celebrity
NB : J>CP Club 10k CP = Rp.50.000,-
Minat ?
Contact : 319013DF #BBM
Shared By :#Mars Celebrity
Kunjungi : www.AuIndo.tk
#Hack Master Medal Point Blank
Jangan Lupa Sebarkan Web ini dan Jangan Hilangkan Creditnya
Download Cheat :
Shared By : Mars Celebrity
NB : J>CP Club 10k CP = Rp.50.000,-
Minat ?
Contact : 319013DF #BBM
Shared By :#Mars Celebrity
Kunjungi : www.AuIndo.tk
Hal paling pertama
dilakukan adalah menghapus (delete) semua misi yang sudah ada
sehingga tidak tersisa satu misi apapun.
silakan beli misi apa saja yang hendak dibeli, misal beli aja Field
Mission karena exp gede
(tekan F12 untuk hack jika grade di bawah
Setelah misi berhasil dibeli, tutup jendela Mission dan
kembali ke lobby dan ikuti langkah di bawah
sesuai urutan:
Langkah selesaikan kartu misi ke-satu (1)
1. Klik Mission
2. Klik
& pilih kartu nomor pertama (1)
3. Keluar dari jendela Mission
(exit) dan stand-by di lobby
4. Tekan keyboard [NUMPAD 1]
5. Klik
Mission lagi, keliatan kalau kartu ke-satu sudah selesai,
keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) sambil perhatikan exp bar-nya
* Langkah elesaikan kartu misi ke-dua (2)
1. Klik
2. Klik & pilih kartu nomor kedua (2)
3. Keluar dari
jendela Mission (exit) dan stand-by di lobby
4. Tekan keyboard
5. Klik Mission lagi, keliatan kalau kartu ke-dua sudah
kemudian keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) sambil
perhatikan exp bar-nya (bertambah)
dan lakukan sampe kartu misi
lakukan langkah-langkah seperti di atas sampe semua
misi selesai, dengan catatan keyboard yang ditekan:
Kartu pertama
NUMPAD2 = Kartu kedua
NUMPAD3 = Kartu ketiga
= Kartu keempat
NUMPAD5 = Kartu kelima
NUMPAD6 = Kartu keenam
= Kartu ketujuh
NUMPAD8 = Kartu kedelapan
NUMPAD9 = Kartu
NUMPAD0 = Kartu kesepuluh
Hal paling pertama
dilakukan adalah menghapus (delete) semua misi yang sudah ada
sehingga tidak tersisa satu misi apapun.
silakan beli misi apa saja yang hendak dibeli, misal beli aja Field
Mission karena exp gede
(tekan F12 untuk hack jika grade di bawah
Setelah misi berhasil dibeli, tutup jendela Mission dan
kembali ke lobby dan ikuti langkah di bawah
sesuai urutan:
Langkah selesaikan kartu misi ke-satu (1)
1. Klik Mission
2. Klik
& pilih kartu nomor pertama (1)
3. Keluar dari jendela Mission
(exit) dan stand-by di lobby
4. Tekan keyboard [NUMPAD 1]
5. Klik
Mission lagi, keliatan kalau kartu ke-satu sudah selesai,
keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) sambil perhatikan exp bar-nya
* Langkah elesaikan kartu misi ke-dua (2)
1. Klik
2. Klik & pilih kartu nomor kedua (2)
3. Keluar dari
jendela Mission (exit) dan stand-by di lobby
4. Tekan keyboard
5. Klik Mission lagi, keliatan kalau kartu ke-dua sudah
kemudian keluar dari jendela Mission (exit) sambil
perhatikan exp bar-nya (bertambah)
dan lakukan sampe kartu misi
lakukan langkah-langkah seperti di atas sampe semua
misi selesai, dengan catatan keyboard yang ditekan:
Kartu pertama
NUMPAD2 = Kartu kedua
NUMPAD3 = Kartu ketiga
= Kartu keempat
NUMPAD5 = Kartu kelima
NUMPAD6 = Kartu keenam
= Kartu ketujuh
NUMPAD8 = Kartu kedelapan
NUMPAD9 = Kartu
NUMPAD0 = Kartu kesepuluh
Shared By : Mars Celebrity
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
#Cheat Point Blank Wallhack WH Anti BT 10 Juli 2011
Download Cheat :
Download Password :
Fiture :
*1 Hit SG kosong + Ninja
*1 Hit K2 + Ninja
*1 Hit K5 + Ninja
*Cheat Darah
Hotkey :
1 Hit = Auto On
Cheat Ninja|Setan = Klik Kiri + W , Klik Kiri + D , Klik Kiri + S , klik Kiri + A
Cheat Darah On = INSERT
Cheat Darah Off = Delete
Credit : ferry-Adanya (Maho Sejati)
thanks To :
-f2F-All Maho
Special thanks to :
-Andrie_Dk >>> Untuk SC nya
Notice :
-Jangan Sering Mengunakan Cheat ninja nya...
kalau mau nembak musuh harus diam dlu
Shared : Mars Celebrity
#Cheat PB One HIT Shotgun 10 Juli 2011
Download Cheat :
Download Password :
Fiture :
*1 Hit SG kosong + Ninja
*1 Hit K2 + Ninja
*1 Hit K5 + Ninja
*Cheat Darah
Hotkey :
1 Hit = Auto On
Cheat Ninja|Setan = Klik Kiri + W , Klik Kiri + D , Klik Kiri + S , klik Kiri + A
Cheat Darah On = INSERT
Cheat Darah Off = Delete
Credit : ferry-Adanya (Maho Sejati)
thanks To :
-f2F-All Maho
Special thanks to :
-Andrie_Dk >>> Untuk SC nya
Notice :
-Jangan Sering Mengunakan Cheat ninja nya...
kalau mau nembak musuh harus diam dlu
Shared : Mars Celebrity
Monday, July 11, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
#Cheat PB Update 09 Juli 2011 WH + Hit 1 ALL Shotgun
Download Cheat:
Fitur :
-1 Hit All SG
1 Hit Auto On
Wallhack Actived On/Off Menu = Insert
Cheat Wallhack On = Arah panah Kanan
Cheat Wallhack Off = Arah Panah kiri
Cara pakai :
-Buka PB launcher
-Buka Cheat keluar cmd.exe[berwarna hitam]
(tekan Enter enter saja juga bisa)
-Sampai injector membuka Beri tanda pada Wh On dan 1 Hit
-Start Pb kamu
-Auto Inject
-Masukan passwordnya
Shared By : Mars Celebrity
Thursday, July 7, 2011
New gPodder versions for your N8x0 and N9x0
It's been over two months since I've released a new stable release of gPodder. Now it's time again to catch up with some of the fixes that have landed in the "master" branch of gPodder (while we are still adding cool stuff to the "tres" branch, where the QML UI and other improvements happen). Anyway, gPodder 2.16 "Over There" should be available in Maemo Extras for both Diablo and Fremantle soon, please test the package and (in case of Fremantle / Maemo 5) also vote for it, so it can land in Extras eventually.
For the Nokia N950 (and also for the N9), there's already a very early alpha build of the QML for you to try - please note that you might have to remove your database and downloads to be compatible with any changes when the final version is out. There's a thread on forum.meego.com with instructions on how to get it and a screenshot - please also use this forum thread for feedback and any questions that you may have.
In related Maemo/MeeGo news, That Rabbit Game has been packaged for MeeGo Tablet and should be available in AppUp already. There's also a pure OpenGL ES port for webOS, although it's missing some features of the Qt version. If you haven't been following gaming news, our multi-touch game Mong (which is going to have its new name "Plonk" soon) is available for MeeGo tablets and I'll have a Harmattan package for you to try really soon! There is also the Harmattan Event Feed Library for Python which should make posting data to the event feed awesome. And if you really want to port your PySide apps to Android, try PySide for Android, which has just been released today. Yes, lots of stuff happening - expect more in the coming days/weeks :)
For the Nokia N950 (and also for the N9), there's already a very early alpha build of the QML for you to try - please note that you might have to remove your database and downloads to be compatible with any changes when the final version is out. There's a thread on forum.meego.com with instructions on how to get it and a screenshot - please also use this forum thread for feedback and any questions that you may have.
In related Maemo/MeeGo news, That Rabbit Game has been packaged for MeeGo Tablet and should be available in AppUp already. There's also a pure OpenGL ES port for webOS, although it's missing some features of the Qt version. If you haven't been following gaming news, our multi-touch game Mong (which is going to have its new name "Plonk" soon) is available for MeeGo tablets and I'll have a Harmattan package for you to try really soon! There is also the Harmattan Event Feed Library for Python which should make posting data to the event feed awesome. And if you really want to port your PySide apps to Android, try PySide for Android, which has just been released today. Yes, lots of stuff happening - expect more in the coming days/weeks :)
#Cheat PB Update Ninja SG 07-07-2011
Download Cheat
Fiture :
->Cheat Ninja SG KosongHotkey :
->Klik Kiri
NB :
->Coba Anda Masu room SG
->Pakai SG Kosong|pabrik
->play saja
->tekan Klik Kiri...
->Jadi Ninja dah lo..!!
Credit : Ferry-Adanya|Maho Sejati
Special Thanks To :
->All member F2f
->All Maho f2F
Shared By : Mars Celebrity
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
#Cheat PB Update Darah Ga Abis" 06-07-2011
Download Cheatnya :
Fiture :
-Cheat Dewa
-Damage SG Kosong|Not 1 Hit Just Damage 5%
[Seperti Hollow]
Hotkey :
On Cheat maho = Numpad 1
Off Cheat Maho = Numpad 2
*Buka Cheat
*Buka PB
*Nunggu HAckshield Hilang
*Klik Inject Maho
Cara pakai Cheat Dewa :
*Masuk ROOM
*WAJIB Jadi RM[Room Master]
*Saat Dalam permainan...
*Ambil Bom
*Tekan NUMPAD 1
*Darah Berubah menjadi -2147483648
*langsung Offkan tekan Numpad 2
[Agar tidak menyebar ke pemain lain]
Credit :
Ferry|Adanya[Sang Maho Sejati]
Special thanks To :
-Yaser binjai > >For SC
-f2F andrie
-All Maho
Shared By : #Mars Celebrity
#Cheat PB Update Special 1 HIT SG Hitam 05-07-2011
Download Cheat :
Visit : http://marscelebrity.blogspot.com
1 Hit SG Kosong
Hotkey :
Auto ONCredit :
Maho ferry Adanya
Special thanks To :
-All member f2F
-Abu Jafar
-Dll yang maho juga.wkwowkwowk
Silahkan Boleh Copas|C@p dan lainnya asalkan jngan lupa sumber dan credit asli pembuatnya..
Shared By : #Mars Celebrity
Monday, July 4, 2011
#Cheat Point Blank Update 03 Juli 2011 1 HIT Shotgun ( SG )
Download :
Jangan Lupa Untuk Menyebar Luaskan Cheat ini :)
fiture :
<+>Maho 1 Hit SG SPAS Point
<+>Maho 1 Hit SG SPAS CASH
Hotkey :
Maho Auto On
Creator :
Special thanks To :
f2F farah
f2F Andrie
Abu Jafar
f2F Drache
Maho Sejati
All member faceinteraction.com
#Cheat Point Blank Update 03 Juli 2011 1 HIT Shotgun ( SG )
#Download Cheat Unlimited Darah July 03 Point Blank
Download Cheat:
Download Injection :
Password Cheat : indracheacopz
Jangan Lupa Menyebar Luaskan Cheat ini :)
-Cheat Darah
Hotkey :
+ On = Home
+ Off = End
Tutor |Bagi pemula yang mau pakai Cheat:
-Buka injector-Buka PB launcher|Yang warna biru
-Nunggu Hackshield Di sebelah kanan Bawah ilang
-Tekan Select DLL For inject
-Pilih DLL cheatnya
-Masukan Passwordnya
Cara pemakaian :
-Masuk Room | Room Apa saja bisa
-Ambil Bom|senjata Ganti BOM
-Tekan Home | Bunuh diri dah
-Darah akan menjadi -2147483648
-Lalu Langsung tekan End | agar tidak menyebar kelainnya
NB :
-Work All Windows
-Not For Sale
-1 hit pun gak bisa bunuh kita...!!wkokwowkwo
-1 hit pun gak bisa bunuh kita...!!wkokwowkwo
Credit : Indra
#Download Cheat Unlimited Darah July 03 Point Blank
Sunday, July 3, 2011
#Kumpulan Cheat v 6067 Siap Download
NB : Saya Sengaja Share Begini agar agan gampang untung mendownload nantikan patch v6068 dengan cheat yg lebih menantang *
Cheat Clone NPC v 6067 Akan Saya Share Besok Jangan Ketinggalan !!!
Cara Download ? Klik Aja Judulnya Gan Ntar anda akan dibawa Kelink downloadnya Thanks J
Share My Blog : ayodance-pb.blogspot.com / MarsCelebrity.blogspot.com
By : Mars #Anonymous Hacker
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