Wiki. The Wiki pages are split between and For example, there's the ARM/N950 page on and the Nokia N950 page on Oh, and if two Wikis are not enough, have a look at the MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan category on Nokia Developer's very own Wiki. Add to that the Qt Developer Network Wiki content for N950 and you have information spread onto 4 different Wikis. So, where are YOU going to add information?
Forums. Next up are the forums. You know the drill. It's called Handset on and MeeGo/Harmattan on And if you feel more like a Nokia fanboy, discuss on Or troll(tech) your Qt love on Qt's own Mobile and Embedded Forum.
Repositories. Writing apps is supposedly easy. Publishing them is hard. What will it be? Nokia Store Publish to reach the masses? Or the not-so-well-known Apps for MeeGo? And independent of where you publish your packages, if it's an open source package it's hard for users to track down the sources of your package (which you really should make easily accessible).
Hosting. The good old Maemo Garage still provides good service, the MeeGo Garage never materialized, but is still advertised on Nokia Developer obviously also has an offering for you: allows you to host stuff (but apparently has been down for a few weeks recently). The rest of the projects is spread between private web pages and Gitorious/Github.
Yes, choice is good. But right now, everything is more complicated than it should be. In the Good Old N900 Times(tm), we gathered information on, discussed on TMO (which was Internet Tablet Talk merged into the domain - while not without resistance, this was IMHO a good move) and had the Maemo Garage and the awesome Maemo Extras for all our repository/packaging needs. Granted, the OBS might be better suited for building packages than the Extras Autobuilder, but i'm missing a package interface a'la for Harmattan which is available for Maemo 5.
The other question is: How long will hosting be funded, and how long will hosting be funded? Wouldn't it make sense to deprecate one of them for Harmattan content and try to move content from the deprecated one to the preferred one?
We (as the Harmattan Community, which I would see as the collective of N950 and N9 users and developers) are a small community, so we should focus our energy on one collaboration place/domain instead of splitting everything between and I don't want to announce new things on two different pages/forums, don't want to check two different places for new content and publish packages to two different repositories.
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